About Our Apps

Our apps are written in Flutter and are open source, and run on any platform. You can try them out in the browser here or visit their github homes. We are also publishing them on the Google Play Store. They are not all there yet, but keep an eye out for them.

    PodNotes allows you to quickly take notes which will be stored to your Solid Pod. It is a simple app and is being migrated to the new solidpod package to be a demonstrator and template for solidpods. The notes are encrypted to your Solid Pod, and can be listed, viewed, and managed within the app, where they are decrypted. You can take notes on your Android device and then review them on your dekstop or browser version of the app, for example. Or write your shopping list o your desktop and check through it on your phone at the supermarket. Source code is available on github as well as various installers.

    InnerPod supports a timed meditation session and will (real soon now) record your sessions to your Solid Pod. A session can be anything, though the app is commonly used for timing silent meditations. Install for your Android device from the Google Play Store. Source code is available on github as well as various installers.

    GYHSAC Patient has been developed through indigenous co-design for patients of the Gurriny Yealamucka Health Services Aboriginal Corporation, in Yarrabah, Far North Queensland. Participants in a trial with diabetic patients have their own encrypted Solid Pods to collect together all of their health data. Much of the data is pipelined automatically from the clinic's health information management system, Communicare. This includes doctor's notes, appointments, medications, as well as observational data. This is augmented with data the patients collect themselves, including traditional bush tucker diets. As of April 2024 the app is deployed for a pilot program with Gurriny patients. Once the trial is completed and the code is migrated to the new solidpod package for flutter we aim to release the github repository.

    BStim is an app to support medical clinical trials. Participants in a clinical trial will complete surveys within the app with the encrypted data being saved to the participant's Solid Pod. The participant can choose to share the survey data, through the Solid Pod infrastructure, with the trial coordinators. The researchers can then undertake the required analyses for the clinical trial. At any time the participant can remove access to their data and so withdraw from the clinical trial. As of February 2024 the app is deployed for a clinical trial with patient surveys being collected to their Solid Pod and shared with the clinical trial leads. Once the trial is completed and the code is migrated to the new solidpod package for flutter we aim to release the github repository.

    KeyPod (UNDER DEVELOPMENT) is a template Solid Pod app. It is a useful standalone simple app storing key-value pairs (as a password manager, for example) with all data encrypted on the server. As a template, it provides a starting point for your own app, establishing a connection to a user's Pod, and reading and writing data to the user's Pod. github.

    ToMyPod (UNDER DEVELOPMENT) is a Pods app to retrieve other data from your device (e.g., from the OpenTracks app) and store it to your Pod. github.

  • SecureDiaLog (UNDER DEVELOPMENT) is an app to securely record diabetes related information to your Pod. github.
  • Deadly Bush Tucker (UNDER DEVELOPMENT) is an app to record traditional indigenous knowledge within Solid Pods and to manage access to that knowledge under the control of the traditional Elder who decides with whom that knowledge is shared.