constants/spacing library

Constants used for spacing different widget contexts. Copyright (C) 2024, Togaware Pty Ltd

Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3 (the "License");


Authors: Graham Williams


buttonGap → const Gap
A general gap used between buttons, like in the dataset popup.
choiceChipRowSpace → const double
Width between rows in a ChoiceChip.
choiceChipRowWidth → const double
Width to fit 5 ChoiceChips in a Row.
configBotGap → const Gap
Gap below the last row of configs often to ensure the underline of numeric paramaters is not lost.
configChooserGap → const Gap
Gap between widgets in a Row in the the config.
configLabelGap → const Gap
Gap between a label and the field.
configLeftGap → const Gap
Gap to the left of the configs within a Row.
configRowGap → const Gap
Gap between the config Rows.
configRowSpace → const double
configTopGap → const Gap
Gap above the beginning of the configs Row.
configWidgetGap → const Gap
Gap between widgets in a Row in the config.
configWidgetSpace → const double
panelGap → const Gap
Gap in height between widgets.
popupIconGap → const Gap
Gap between the title row of a popup between the icon and the text of the title.
popupTitleGap → const Gap
Gap between a popup's title row and content.
settingsGroupGap → const Gap
Gap between a popup's title row and content.
textPageBottomGap → const Gap
Gap before the bottom divider in the display pages.